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Understanding Brokerage and Mortgaging: Key Concepts for Homebuyers and Investors
The world of real estate is multifaceted and often confusing for those who are new to it. Two...
Страсти Жанны д'Арк. The Passion of Joan of Arc. (1928)
1431 год. Жанна д`Арк предстает перед судом по обвинению в ереси.
Hammerhead Sharks
The hammerhead sharks are a group of sharks that form the family Sphyrnidae, so named for the...
Dementia: Late
People with late-stage dementia typically turn increasingly inward and need assistance with most...
Назад в будущее. Back to the Future. (1985)
Подросток Марти с помощью машины времени, сооружённой его другом-профессором доком Брауном,...