OPTIONS TRADING: 6 in 1: Guide for beginners + crash course + strategies + stock options + swing trading options + mindset From 0 to expert in less than 7 days and start building a massive income by Jonh Green

Nikolai Pokryshkin
Joined: 2022-07-22 09:48:36
2024-08-21 00:55:57

OPTIONS TRADING: 6 in 1: Guide for beginners + crash course + strategies + stock options + swing trading options + mindset From 0 to expert in less than 7 days and start building a massive income by Jonh Green

Chapter 1. Step-by-step Guide on How to
Start Options Trading and Create Passive
You already know some of the basics that come with working on options as
well as some of their benefits. Now it is time to learn how to get started
with options so that you can make the money that you want. 
But that does not mean that there are no risks involved. Almost every
investment entails a multitude of risks. The same goes for options. An
investor ought to know of these risks before proceeding with trade.
Options are a part of the group of securities called derivatives. The term
derivative is many a time associated with huge risks and volatile
performance. Warren Buffett once called derivatives “weapons of mass
destruction,” which is a little too much.
The term ‘derivative’ implies that its price is derived from the price of some
other object. When it comes to Financial Securities, their derivatives are
Options, whose value depends on the price of another asset.
One can gain a real advantage in the market if they know how options work
and can use them properly since you can put the cards in your favor if you
can use options correctly. The great thing about options is that you can use
them according to your style. If you’re a speculative person, earn through
speculation. If not, earn without speculating. You should know how options
work even if you decide never to use them because other companies you
invest in might use options. A lot of MNCs use options in many ways.
Some companies may give employees potential stock ownership as stock
options or use options to hedge foreign-exchange risk.
Getting it all started
You may be excited to jump into the market and start trading right away, but
there are a few things that you will need to do first. You will need to start
out with a good understanding of the basics that come with options and you
need to know some of the option types that you can pick from. We talked
about these topics a little bit before, but the more that you can learn about
them before investing, the more success you will have. 
After you have had some time to understand what options are all about and
what you will be getting yourself into, it is time to come up with your
motivation for trading. Ask yourself how much money you are looking to
make from this trade and how you would like to use that money when you
have earned it. This motivation is going to help you out so much when you
are in the thick of the trading and you need some help staying focus. 
But one of the most important things that you will need to focus on when
you first get started is having what is called a trading plan. The trading plan
is going to basically list all of the things that you want to be able to
accomplish while you are trading. It can include what you expect to happen,
some of your goals, the strategy that you will go with, and any other
guidelines that will help you be successful. Those who decide to start
investing in options without having a good plan in place will be the ones
who run into a lot of risks. 
Determine whether you will proceed as a company or an individual 
Both these alternatives are a lot different when actual options trading come
into practice. The legal obligations of both vary significantly. Besides,
check whether you’re allowed to trade with an offshore company or an
offshore bank account. This could be advantageous in some tax-related
situations. Non-resident citizen offshore companies and bank accounts are
quite beneficial.
Get a trading account 
Setting up an online trading account is the foremost thing to do when
starting trading in options. Step by step instructions is provided by
companies, which makes it very easy to manage the account. But this
process does take some time, so start early.
A lot of factors are taken into consideration while deciding on your trading
The amount of money you’re planning to invest in is the first thing that
defines the type of account, which will be opened.
A very modest amount of start-up money is required to start trading in stock
only. Even 200$ will work. But a Basic options account requires a
minimum start-up of 2000$. If you have enough capital, setting up a day-

OPTIONS TRADING: 6 in 1: Guide for beginners + crash course + strategies + stock options + swing trading options + mindset From 0 to expert in less than 7 days and start building a massive income by Jonh Green


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