Part I
Multinational corporations and local fi rms in
emerging economies
An introduction
Eric Rugraff and Michael W. Hansen
1.1 Introduction
One of the most heated issues within current development debates relates to the
role played by multinational corporations (MNCs) in economic development.
On the one hand, MNCs may help emerging economies1
in the modernization of
their economies and industries by transferring technology, know-how and skills,
by providing access to export markets, by intensifying competition, or by making
available goods and services that are better and/or cheaper than those offered
by local producers (De Mello, 1999; UNCTAD, 1999; JBIC Institute, 2002). On
the other hand, beneficial effects are not given and MNCs may stifle economic
development by locking in host economies in low value-added activities and by
crowding out local investments and jobs. Furthermore, anti-competitive practices
of MNCs may reduce consumer welfare and MNCs may help build consumption
patterns that are unsuited for host countries (Caves, 1996; Buckley and Ghaury,
2002; Cypher and Diez, 2004).
As noted by numerous authors, at the end of the day it must be concluded
that MNCs obviously are both ‘boon’ and ‘bane’ for emerging economies (Caves,
1996; Nunnenkamp, 2004; Dicken, 2004; Görg and Greenaway, 2004; Endewick,
2005) and therefore the key issue is when foreign direct investment (FDI) by
MNCs is beneficial to economic development and when it is not. In this regard,
the literature has pointed out numerous factors that condition FDI impacts, such
as government policies (Dunning, 1997), MNC investment motives (Endewick,
2005), MNC entry strategies (Görg and Greenaway, 2004), absorptive capacity
of local industry (Narula and Lall, 2004), or the extent to which MNCs link up
to local firms and industries (Altenburg, 2000; Giroud and Scott-Kennel, 2006).
One of the key issues related to MNCs’ role in economic development is the
way in which MNCs interact with local firms and industries. This issue is in-
creasingly pivotal as MNCs’ role in organizing global economic activity grows
Multinational Corporations and Local Firms in Emerging Economies by Eric Rugraff & Michael W. Hansen