Payment Networks Today
A Fragmented System Of Siloed Networks
Today’s global payments system is neither global or a system. A system,
defined as a set of connected things forming a complex whole, does
not describe the currently siloed payments networks that lack effective
inter-connectivity to deliver on the demands of today’s customers. As for
its global reach, due to the high costs and inefficiencies of cross-border
payments, many banks, businesses and consumers are shut out of the
current system.
The litany of pain points -- low speed, limited transparency and
high cost -- from the current system stem from the lack of a single,
global payments network. The fragmentation of existing networks
has significant downstream impact; primarily, it results in a marginal
experience for all parties involved in cross-border payments. Without
direct connectivity between transacting parties, factors such as traceability
and timing are a black box to sending and receiving banks, businesses
and consumers.
Because of the high processing costs from one network to the next that
are passed down to end users, it limits banks’ addressable market and
impacts their servicing capabilities. The lack of standardization across
networks impacts functionalities such as data transfer -- making it
unreliable for end users to send critical information with their transaction.
The result is driving businesses and consumers from banks to FinTech
providers that can more adequately meet their needs.
One Connected Global Payments Network
RippleNet delivers a single, frictionless experience for global payments.
Rather than a constellation of disparate technologies, unstandardized
communications and centralized networks, RippleNet is a single, global
network of banks that send and receive payments via Ripple’s distributed
financial technology -- providing real-time messaging, clearing and
settlement of transactions.
RippleNet is a decentralized network based on an agreement between
Ripple and network participants -- all of which utilize the same technology
and adhere to a consistent set of payment rules and standards.
RippleNet banks benefit from the robust connectivity, standardized
technology and rich data attachments with each payment. Ripple’s
distributed financial technology outperforms today’s infrastructure by
driving down costs, increasing processing speeds and delivering end-to-
end visibility into payment fees, timing and delivery.