• Sol, sol y sombra, sombra... All is light and shadows, one is always tied with the other...
    Life is just motion of lights and shadows. That's what #astral creatures know, and what people forget. A Familiar is a kind of astral creatures, that select a human to follow, help and protect. They can teach #sorcery too. And they a deeply devoted to the Master they choose.
    Meet a sample of such creatures in this magical #painting. The one dwelling between light and shadow.
    With magic art we can create a portal and invite a Familiar to the person who owns the painting. Such art is created individually only. It is unpredictable beautiful almost intimate process with magical results, worth trying
    #art #magic #creation
    Sol, sol y sombra, sombra... All is light and shadows, one is always tied with the other... Life is just motion of lights and shadows. That's what #astral creatures know, and what people forget. A Familiar is a kind of astral creatures, that select a human to follow, help and protect. They can teach #sorcery too. And they a deeply devoted to the Master they choose. Meet a sample of such creatures in this magical #painting. The one dwelling between light and shadow. With magic art we can create a portal and invite a Familiar to the person who owns the painting. Such art is created individually only. It is unpredictable beautiful almost intimate process with magical results, worth trying 🤗 #art #magic #creation
    9 Comments 0 Shares 21432 Views 0 Reviews
  • On, on we go across the #magic worlds of #art with magicartpieces.com
    And today I've brought some #business and #wealth semantics.
    The driver for business relations. The core of partnerships (in all senses). Once blessed by the sign Kaupaloki, contracts become unbreakable, protected by Forces.
    Protect the most promising and profitable deals with "Kaupaloki. Contract Unbreakable" visual tool
    On, on we go across the #magic worlds of #art with magicartpieces.com And today I've brought some #business and #wealth semantics. Deals. Bargains. Contracts. Agreements. The driver for business relations. The core of partnerships (in all senses). Once blessed by the sign Kaupaloki, contracts become unbreakable, protected by Forces. Protect the most promising and profitable deals with "Kaupaloki. Contract Unbreakable" visual tool 🤝😇
    10 Comments 0 Shares 10291 Views 0 Reviews
  • For any beginners seeing this, you can force a checkbox to be checked by adding the checked attribute. Most likely, you would have to put it in the input element tag.
    For any beginners seeing this, you can force a checkbox to be checked by adding the checked attribute. Most likely, you would have to put it in the input element tag.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 671 Views 0 Reviews
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