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CGTN news (English) Live TV from China.
CGTN news, China Central Television (former CCTV 9) is a 24/7 news TV channel in the English...
By Nikolai Pokryshkin 2022-08-29 20:56:10 0 818
Цельнометаллическая оболочка. Full Metal Jacket. (1987)
Американская база подготовки новобранцев корпуса морской пехоты. Жесточайшая, бесчеловечная...
By Nikolai Pokryshkin 2023-01-21 12:03:57 0 193
The Unholy (2021)
A hearing-impaired girl is visited by the Virgin Mary and can suddenly hear, speak, and heal the...
By Leonard Pokrovski 2022-09-23 19:55:53 0 611
ADHD: Controversy
ADHD, its diagnosis, and its treatment have been controversial since the 1970s. The controversies...
By Kelsey Rodriguez 2023-05-09 17:30:57 0 124
Reddit API Pricing
Reddit began shutting down some third-party apps after weeks of outrage over its API pricing...
By Jesse Thomas 2023-07-10 23:45:44 0 145

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