Free Capital: How 12 private investors made millions in the stock market by Guy Thomas

Albert Estrada
انضم: 2023-04-22 19:24:07
2024-08-07 21:26:45

Part 1: Geographers
Geographers start from the big picture of the investment landscape. They
take a top-down approach, thinking first about macroeconomic trends
which make some investment sectors or countries or other themes more
attractive than others at a particular time, and only then look for individual
companies or other investments aligned with those themes.

Chapter 1. Luke: The Big Picture

The scarcest resource for successful investors is not money but attention:
how to manage the trade-off between time and rationality to best effect.
There is not time in life to find out everything about every potential
investment. Investment skill consists not in knowing everything, but in
judicious neglect: making wise choices about what to overlook.

Free Capital: How 12 private investors made millions in the stock market by Guy Thomas


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