The Subtle Art of Intraday Trading by Indrazith Shantharaj

Nikolai Pokryshkin
Присоединились: 2022-07-22 09:48:36
2024-08-20 20:50:18

The Subtle Art of Intraday Trading by Indrazith Shantharaj

Why Intraday Trading Is A Losing Game For
Many Traders?
The usual morning wake-up bell woke me up from a deep sleep.
It was sharp 4:00 AM.
It was the 9th day of the Vipassana Meditation program. But I was delighted,
because by evening, I can speak, I can use my mobile, and most
importantly, I can pen down all the crazy ideas which had crowded my
mind in the last eight days of intense meditation (14 hours every day).

I was there for a reason. Not even in my dreams did I think that I would be
miserable on the day of making my career best money in intraday trading.

But after experiencing such a miserable day, I decided to take up the 10-
days intense Vipassana program, which I had postponed for a few years.
I was unsure whether I wanted to know the reasons for my misery or I
wanted to improve as a day trader, but decided to complete the program no
matter what happened. With a lot of struggle I reached the 9
th day of the
On the 9
th day, all the meditation sessions went smoothly till the afternoon.
Then I saw a queue line-up to collect mobiles and essential belongings.
Somehow I didn't get the urge to collect them. Besides, I was reluctant to
give up the bliss which I had gathered in the last eight days.
By evening, we were allowed to speak with each other (in the Vipassana
program, people were supposed to maintain a vow of silence till 9
th day
evening), and I saw a small gathering near the pagoda. I stood there and
slowly started speaking with them.
When I introduced myself to the group, one person shouted back
immediately, 'Wow, there is one more stock market trader here!'
I said – 'Are you serious?'
He said – 'Yes, I spoke with him a few minutes back; he is fair and wearing
a white kurta.'
I replied –' Ok, let me check.'
I roamed around the complete campus, but I didn't find any fair guy
wearing a white kurta.
The next day, I saw him, and we spoke for some time. I was shocked when I
realized that only last week he had quit his job to pursue full-time day
trading, and had come to the program with his newly wedded wife!
After some time, we met again in a clearing queue of the program, and he
introduced his wife to me. Both were young, adorable, and a happy couple.
At that moment, I decided to help them (if not to make money, at least not
to lose a significant amount in day trading).
A few days after the completion of the program, they invited me to their
house. They were early risers like me; so one fine day I went to their home
for breakfast. After breakfast, he started explaining his trading system,

The Subtle Art of Intraday Trading by Indrazith Shantharaj


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