I. Introduction
At the beginning of the 21st century, after the wide-scale collapse of centrally
planned economies, the consensus perception prevails that prosperity and eco-
nomic growth are generated by private enterprise and free markets. Neverthe-
less, government policy has maintained its role as a major factor, responsible for
creating the necessary conditions for promoting enterprise and growth. In this
context, monetary policy has emerged as an important means for achieving these
goals. The arguments for this statement are twofold, concerning both how
quickly and how accurately the intervention takes effect on the market. In the
first place, unlike fiscal policy, which often serves multiple (sometimes conflict-
ing) goals and may be subject to political influences and lengthy legislative de-
cision-making and approval procedures, monetary policy conducted by an inde-
pendent central bank can be adjusted relatively quickly to respond to the latest
macroeconomic developments. Furthermore, the impact of monetary impulses
especially on the financial markets under a sufficient degree of central bank
credibility takes place immediately. Sometimes the financial market response
even precedes the actual central bank intervention, as market participants antici-
pate the envisaged measures and act accordingly in advance.
The last decades have witnessed major transformations pertaining to both
monetary policy theory and practice. Since the Bretton Woods collapse central
banks exposed not only to a higher degree of freedom, but also to the need to
define clear monetary policy goals and communicate them to the public. In the
last two decades, a growing number of central banks (such as the Bank of Eng-
land, Bank of Canada, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand and the Swedish Riks-
bank) have opted for systematic policy behaviour by means of introducing infla-
tion-targeting. On the theoretical side, major advances have been made in the
last two decades. One facet of the new consensus on monetary policy is that low,
stable inflation is crucial for market-driven growth and that the monetary policy
stance in the medium to long run is the major determinant of inflation. After a
long period of focusing on the impact of non-monetary factors on the business
cycle, empirical studies since the late 1980s have argued that monetary policy
significantly influences the short-term course of the economy. Another facet is
the strengthened focus on monetary policy design and the interest for optimal
rule-based monetary policy in particular. Recent macroeconomic research fea-
tures nominal rigidities and output fluctuations and focuses on the stabilization
role of monetary policy, by allowing the monetary authorities to choose from a
variety of monetary policy rule specifications in terms of policy instruments,
target variables and size of the response coefficients assigned to the target vari-
ables. Since the results obtained in the literature when assessing the different
monetary policy rule specifications are to a large extent model-dependent, the
choice of a macroeconomic framework based on sufficiently realistic assump-
tions is crucial for the analysis of the implications of different rule
Building on the arguments of the New Classical Critique in the 1970s, New
Keynesian models that incorporate rational expectations, as well as microeco-
nomic foundations, have been developed. The optimizing behaviour on the part
of households and firms, as well as the intertemporal methodology of New
Keynesian models with nominal rigidities enable detailed study of the monetary
transmission mechanism and optimal monetary policy design. However, with
respect to investment and capital, most of these models (e.g. Woodford (1995),
Rotemberg and Woodford (1999) and McCallum and Nelson (1999b)) abstract
from investment (constant-capital specification). One reason is that introducing
endogenous capital and investment to a model with sticky prices may lead to
multiple rational-expectations equilibria under certain monetary policy rule
specifications. Moreover, the exclusion of capital is often justified on the
grounds that capital does not exhibit substantial volatility at business cycle fre-
quencies (e.g. McCallum and Nelson, 1997). However, such an approach is
clearly unsatisfactory, as it leaves out an important monetary transmission chan-
nel and shock propagation mechanism.
In the following chapters, the analysis is carried out within a New Keynes-
ian framework with endogenous capital, sticky prices and wages and capital ad-
justment costs. The purpose of this study is to assess different interest rate rule
specifications with respect to the degree of activeness (measured by the inflation
response coefficient) and the target variables included, based on two criteria: (i)
the existence of a determinate rational expectations equilibrium and (ii) the
characteristics of the convergence path towards steady state after a shock occurs.
In particular, policy rule specifications that yield determinacy of rational expec-
tations equilibrium and in addition involve quantitatively smaller deviations and
fast, monotonic convergence after a shock occurs would be preferred. The re-
sults obtained confirm that the introduction of endogenous capital and invest-
ment has important implications for the monetary policy outcomes. A stronger
than one-on-one nominal interest rate response to inflation in the policy rule (i.e.
Interest-Rate Rules in a New Keynesian Framework with Investment by Elena Pavlova