Professionals are not born, they become professionals as a result of activity. So if you want to create your information products, build your personal brand on social media, don't hesitate to do so. Use networks as a tool for self-development and personal growth. Over time, you will be able to create something that will be very valuable and that you yourself will be delighted with.
Working Scheme for Building an Information Business on the Internet 1.0
I am glad to welcome you to the key article of the information portal dedicated to the information business, namely its construction on the Internet. Today, many users are already running their business with the help of their created resources: blogs, groups, social media accounts or YouTube channels, providing themselves with an additional source of income.
Information technologies today have come a long way, they serve for the benefit of society and are useful from the point of view of information. In the vastness of the Internet, you can find a lot of interesting and useful information that people publish in order to generate income.
But, unfortunately, not everyone who decides to open their own group or account on a social network succeeds. There are many nuances of building a business on the Internet, there are working schemes that lead to multiple sources of income, but most of them require a lot of time, money and money.
Therefore, having studied the information market and all existing schemes, we tried to create a single working scheme that will help the user to self-learn, develop personally, correctly position himself in the network and, ultimately, create his own unique information business from scratch and without investment.
1. The essence of the information business on the Internet
To begin with, let's figure out what the information business is today, how money is made and how an ordinary person can open a business on the Internet, where to actually start building it. Let's reveal the very essence of a business built on the sale of information.
Information business, from the point of view of the type of activity, can be considered as a production activity that is based on the search, processing and production of information. We produce and sell information or give it to the reader for free with the help of our resources - accounts, groups, blogs. In both cases, we generate income from such activities.
The main ultimate goal of the information business (information business) on the Internet is the creation of information products. Most often, Internet entrepreneurs create educational information products (CDs, webinars, schools, etc.).
Thus, first we offer the reader free of charge, study the needs of our audience, while making money on advertising, and then create a paid information product, which further increases our profit from business at times.
2. Development of a business idea in the information business
If you are already operating on the Internet and are not satisfied with your income, or want to acquire an additional source of income, or you, for example, work in some project and do not know how to attract partners to your network business, then be sure to familiarize yourself with our working scheme for building an information business on the Internet.
The scheme is very simple and fast compared to those schemes that force you to learn for years, master a lot of unnecessary material, it is based on the personal interests of the author and his professional skills. We do not teach people to learn for years, we teach them to properly search, process and form original and interesting information, the information that is interesting to the author himself.
How to Identify Your Expertise
Each person is a source of certain knowledge. Knowledge can come from anywhere, new ideas, thoughts, and views can be formed every day. Often a person simply passes by his thought processes and they leave him without a trace.
We, Internet entrepreneurs, those who have decided to create a business for the sale of information, not only learn to consume and process information, but also to produce it in accordance with our thought processes, we learn to position our expertise through accounts, groups in social networks or blogs.
Therefore, at the initial stage of building an information business, we advise:
Decide on a business idea based on personal and professional skills;
Gather information on the selected topic;
Process information and create original content;
Choose a resource for publishing content and schedule publications on your topic.
The Internet and the resources used by the author at the beginning of the journey are a tool for self-development and personal growth in the field (business idea) that the author has chosen. Where to start developing a business idea? How to identify your expertise in a particular issue.
List of interests and professional skills
Take a piece of paper and make a list of interests, professional skills, and more. Make a personal portrait of the strengths and weaknesses (bad habits) that you may want to get rid of, but don't know how yet.
The list should be complete, include the types of activities that are currently being carried out, the professions that you have mastered in your life, everything that can characterize you. Your task is to decide on a business idea based on your personal interests, and choose 3-5 information topics that are closest to you, which you would like to work with.
According to the working scheme of the information business, you should learn how to quickly create thematic content that will position you as an expert in a certain field. At the initial stage, the information business serves as a tool for your own self-development and personal growth. It's similar to stamp collecting, but it's about information.
3. Technical Aspects of Information Business
Just don't be intimidated by the word "technical" – it doesn't mean that you have to know more than logical thinking will tell you. As we noted above, the primary task of the author is to learn how to produce original content, the kind of content that no one else has on the Internet.
Why do you need it?
Every day, users enter search queries (keywords) into the Google search bar, for which they search for information on the network. And we have a great opportunity to produce content for these very search queries.
Search queries are classified according to three criteria: low-frequency, mid-frequency, and high-frequency. Therefore, we recommend that you collect as many requests as possible at the beginning of the journey and form content in your group or blog for these requests. It's best to promote your resources for low-frequency or mid-frequency queries. Thus, you will quickly attract traffic from the search bar to your resource.
Working with keywords is like searching for information on the Internet, only you are not looking for what you need, but looking for what others have searched for on your favorite topic.
If there are a lot of such hashtags in your group with the words hairstyle, wedding, makeup, etc., then soon you will acquire the target audience for your resource through the search bar or google.
4. Choosing an information resource for the information business
After you have created a list of your interests, decided on a business idea, collected key requests, you need to choose a resource to promote yourself as an expert. If you are a beginner, you don't have your own blog and you don't know how to create one yet, then we recommend starting with social networks: Facebook, YouTube, etc.
It is in social networks that your target audience spends time on a regular basis, people are not always engaged in the search for information, they just use social networks to, for example, relax, communicate, etc. If you form and publish content for your audience on a regular basis, then sooner or later a great interest will be formed in your resource.
It should not be forgotten that the primary task of an Internet entrepreneur is to form targeted traffic in order to make a profit in the future. There are many methods of attracting traffic to your resource, in the future we will tell you about all possible methods of attracting it. At the initial stage of creation, you need to produce original content (slides, pictures, texts, videos) on an ongoing basis. If the author likes the idea, then there should be no problems with the formation of content. We make a profit both from advertising and from the sale of related products and services.
5. Collecting, Processing, and Creating Original Content
The driving force in the dissemination of information is the content, which in turn should be exclusive and original.
There are the following types of content:
Slide Contest
Textual content;
Video content;
Audio content
The simplest and most effective content that can be shared on social media is slide content. It is enough to acquire the skill of working in Microsoft PowerPoint, learn how to save slides and you can already form your own pictures and drawings on your favorite topic.
From the main content, namely the content slide, you can move on to the text content. In the slides, the author summarizes the key points of his idea, we advise you to make a list of definitions on a given professional topic, the topic on which your business idea and information business as a whole will be built.
Original texts are not difficult to write, they should not be copied from otherworldly resources, rewritten, and so on. Unless, of course, you have the ability to express your thoughts beautifully, then you can entrust the matter to specialists in the field of copywriting, but in any case, the idea and key points of the published information should come from you personally. You should remember that the main author of your information resource is you and no one else.
Video clips or audio content, you have to learn how to produce yourself. It doesn't matter whether you create a video professionally or just shoot on your phone, the main thing is that your videos answer the questions asked, the questions on which you are advancing as an expert.
Having chosen a resource, we move on to the next step – planning publications. Planning in the information business is one of the main keys to building an effective business, before starting your activity, make a publication plan according to your business idea.
You don't need to take this publication plan as a basis, just consider it as an example. Try to work everything out on your own. The main thing is to schedule publications and specify the time. You will agree that it is not difficult to consume, process and produce information for a month or two in advance. At the initial stage, you don't need to demand perfect photos and lessons from yourself. Your task is to produce content on a regular basis, if even out of 100 posts you have one post that will attract proper attention, this is already good. The main thing is to monitor the frequency of published content.
In groups and blogs, there is a function of scheduled posting, you can devote a week to collecting information, and the next to the production of information, and then the publication itself. In this case, time will work for you. As an Internet entrepreneur, your daily task is to produce unique content. The content can be not only educational in nature, but also entertaining and can be promotional. You will plan all these moments first on a blank sheet of paper, and then in your group or blog.
6. Making Money in the Information Business
The task of an Internet entrepreneur is to give people content, learn how to produce it and publish it on a regular basis. Next, income from advertising and sales of related products and services related to your topic. In the end, you will create your own information product and sell it by means of promoted resources. At the same time, you will not need to spend large budgets on advertising your school or course. In
From the point of view of individual personal business, the information business is of a production nature. The author's task is to learn how to produce original, author's thematic content on a regular basis. It doesn't matter whether the author is an expert in the field or not. If there is an interest in the topic and a willingness to develop it, then everything is manageable.
The task of an Internet entrepreneur is to attract targeted traffic to his resource, identify his needs and start creating original information products for his target audience.
At the initial stage of building an online business, the author receives income from advertising or affiliate programs.
Thank you for your attention and interest in my content! I hope this information was helpful to you. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to ask them below. I am always ready to help you achieve professional growth and success. Stay tuned for even more useful content. See you in the next post!