From Impossible to Inevitable: How Hyper-Growth Companies Create Predictable Revenue by Aaron Ross

Leonard Pokrovski
Entrou: 2022-07-25 12:14:58
2024-04-01 22:00:51

Part I
Nail A Niche
The Painful Truth: You're not ready to grow.

Chapter 1
“Niche” Doesn't Mean Small
How do you know whether or not you're ready to grow? Don't
let a big vision, or wanting to serve too many kinds of
customers, trap you into sounding vague or confusing.
Are You Sure You're Ready to Grow
You're excited about your business, your ideas, products, and
services … and you're ready to grow faster. You might be a startup,
a consultant, or a Fortune 100 brand.
And you know that lead generation is the #1 lever that drives
revenue growth, and can create hypergrowth. You've been trying
to grow your leads, and thus sales, but it's been harder than you
expected … maybe a lot harder.
Are you sure you're ready to grow faster?
Because when it feels like you're swimming upstream every day to
generate leads, or to sign new customers from the ones you do get,
you usually have a bigger problem. All that time, energy and
money invested in growing new leads and closing sales can be
poured into a black hole—if you haven't Nailed A Niche.
You can be a Fortune 100 company, or the greatest expert at
organization design, or have a killer SaaS (software as a service)
subscription model app for managing employees. But, if you can't
predictably go out and generate leads and opportunities where
you're needed, win them, and do it profitably, you're gonna
struggle. It's frustrating. But there's no shortcut here, whether
you're a business or an individual. Struggles often mean there's a
niche problem, either at the company, marketing department, or
salesperson level.
Clues You Aren't Ready to Grow (Regardless of What
the CEO or Board Expects)

From Impossible to Inevitable: How Hyper-Growth Companies Create Predictable Revenue by Aaron Ross


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