Stay informed on world breaking news from a Christian perspective - CBN News brings you today’s top headlines. All the latest national and international news, 24 hours a day.Be current on all world exclusive news with CBN's team of journalists who are dedicated to timely, in-depth, and truthful reporting, always providing you with coverage you won’t see anywhere else.Keep up with...
Our Mission is to use Media to strengthen the Christian voice and impact the nations, with the Gospel of Jesus ChristWhen we established Revelation Television we were given a clear vision by God. It was to establish a Christian television station which will:Present the gospel of Christ and seek to make disciples (Matthew 28:16-20).Pursue excellence in the areas of production and presentation,...
A rotating TV base that suits your TV watching needs! This TV base can rotate and adjust to the amount of people watching it, to make it the best watching experience for everyone. It comes with a...