Mining and Drilling
Kola superdeep well
The Kola experimental reference superdeep well (SG-3) is the deepest mine working in the world. Has scientific significance. It was part of the system of ultra-deep wells in the USSR. Located 15 km east of the village of Nikel and 12 km west of the city of Zapolyarny .
In 1997, it was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the deepest human invasion of the earth's crust, and remains so to this day. It was also...
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Пленницы. Prisoners. (2013)
Келлер Довер сталкивается с самым большим кошмаром каждого родителя: его шестилетняя дочь пропала...
Inside Job. (2010)
'Inside Job' provides a comprehensive analysis of the global financial crisis of 2008, which at a...
The Performing Arts: Celebrating Human Expression and Creativity
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Do I Need Special Licenses or Permits?
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Фарго. Fargo. (1996)
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