Understanding Data Formats: A Comprehensive Overview
In the world of technology and data management, data formats play a crucial role. They define how information is stored, structured, and exchanged between systems. Understanding different data formats is essential for effective data processing, analysis, and sharing.
What is a Data Format?
A data format is a standard way of encoding information in a file or a data stream. It dictates how data is organized, allowing software applications to read and interpret the information correctly. Data...
File format
A file format is a specification of the structure of data recorded in a computer file. The file format identifier is usually indicated at the end of the file name in the form of an "extension". The file name extension helps identify the format of the data contained in the file to programs that can work with it. Sometimes the data format is additionally specified at the beginning of the file content.
The operating system uses file-to-program mapping (association) to determine which program...
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