Arcade machines: a little history of development
Now gamers, without leaving home or even looking up from their mobile device, can start computer battles in multiplayer shooters or immerse themselves in an entertaining strategy. But it all started with arcade machines in America about forty years ago.And then, probably, the ultimate dream of the young gamer was to rush instead of lessons to the shopping center to the arcade shooter games, to the magnificent bright consoles that predetermined the development of computer games for years to...
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Лабиринт фавна. Pan's Labyrinth. (2006)
Испания, 1944 год. Группа повстанцев сражается с фашистами в горных лесах северной Наварры....
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The History of Games: From Ancient Play to Digital Masterpieces
Games have been an integral part of human culture for thousands of years. From the earliest forms...