Developers and Publishers
Video Game Publisher
A computer game publisher is a company that publishes computer games developed internally or by separate companies engaged in the development of computer games. As in the case of book publishers, for example, the publisher of computer games is responsible for developing, publishing, promoting, and advertising the game.
Often, the publisher finances the development of the game and pays for the work of the developers. Other functions of the publisher typically include printing the game manual...
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Hammerhead Sharks
The hammerhead sharks are a group of sharks that form the family Sphyrnidae, so named for the...
Macroeconomic perspectives on demand and supply
Key points
Keynes’ Law states that demand creates its own supply....
Top 10 Best Countries for Expats in 2023
As part of the InterNations study, expats rated the countries of their temporary stay depending...
Music genres
There are only four musical directions: folk music, sacred music, academic music and popular...
The Thing. (1982)
A research team in Antarctica is hunted by a shape-shifting alien that assumes the appearance of...