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Spotlight. (2015)
The true story of how the Boston Globe uncovered the massive scandal of child molestation and...
Python Sanic
In my previous post, I've made a short explanation of what FastAPI does. I've found another...
In the US, the average mortgage rate for the first time since 2008 exceeded 6%
The number of applications for mortgage loans fell by 64% compared to last year.
In the US, the...
How to rent an apartment - features of finding a tenant and common mistakes of landlords
Renting out an apartment is one of the ways to generate income for property owners. It seems that...
Телохранитель. Yojimbo. (1961)
В некий японский городок приходит самурай. Самурай выглядит совершенно не по-самурайски: плохо...