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Терминатор. The Terminator. (1984)
История противостояния солдата Кайла Риза и киборга-терминатора, прибывших в 1984-й год из...
Манк. Mank. (2020)
1940 год. Нью-йоркский острослов Герман Манкевич, когда-то приехавший покорять Голливуд и в целом...
How Do they celebrate the new years in Africa?
Connection between the calendar and natural phenomena, new Year's rituals of Africans and the...
Aviation Industry
Aircraft construction is one of the most profitable and at the same time the most...
Agriculture and Forestry: Pillars of Sustainability and Global Prosperity
Agriculture and forestry are two of the oldest and most essential human activities, serving as...