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Заклятие 3: По воле дьявола. The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It. (2021)
18 июля 1981 года Эд и Лоррейн Уоррены присутствовали при проведении экзорцизма над маленьким...
What is software licensing and how does it work?
Any software is a product of intellectual activity, so only the developer or copyright holder can...
The Prestige. (2006)
After a tragic accident, two stage magicians in 1890s London engage in a battle to create the...
Hope Channel. Live TV. USA
Hope Channel is a Christian lifestyle television network and is a subsidiary company of the...
How Can Businesses Handle Ethical Dilemmas?
In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving business world, ethical dilemmas are an inevitable...