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Тропы славы. Paths of Glory. (1957)
Действие киноромана развертывается в 1916 году на Западном фронте. Полковник Дэкс командует...
How Startups Can Validate Their Business Ideas
For startups, one of the most crucial steps before launching a product or service is validating...
Мулан. Mulan. (2020)
Изданный императором Китая указ о призыве на службу в армии одного мужчины из каждой семьи для...
Examples of guerrilla marketing – promotion through creativity in advertising with a small budget
Many have heard of the term guerrilla marketing, but few have really resorted to it, and it is an...
Bowling for Columbine (2002)
Filmmaker Michael Moore explores the roots of America's predilection for gun violence.
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