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The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.(2001)
A meek Hobbit from the Shire and eight companions set out on a journey to destroy the powerful...
Телеканал 360 Новости прямая трансляция.
«360 Новости» — круглосуточный информационный телеканал, на котором зрители...
Parents' expenses for the education of a child in Austria exceed €2000 per year
Foresight conducted a panel study of 2,500 parents of nearly 4,000 schoolchildren and college...
Network marketing and pyramid schemes: what is the difference
The temptation to have extra income often outweighs common sense. Wanting to make quick money,...
Мисс Маркс. Miss Marx. (2020)
Яркая, умная, страстная и свободолюбивая Элеонор была младшей дочерью Карла Маркса и одной из...