Leonard Pokrovski
Alăturat: 2022-07-25 12:14:58
2023-12-15 20:00:53


The concept of "hospitality industry" is an umbrella term that includes a list of market sectors that interact very closely with each other and have a lot in common with each other. They have been grouped together under the umbrella term "hospitality" by virtue of similar services and experiences that are offered and delivered to the same target audience.

If we turn to the Cambridge English Dictionary, it interprets or translates the word "hospitality" as follows:Friendly or welcoming interaction and/or iteration with a guest or visitor; Food, drinks, entertainment and other services that the organization provides to its guests or business partners; A group of businesses such as hotels, bars, restaurants that provide food, drinks, and/or a place to sleep for their guests.

In most cases, experts combine three to five areas of business under the concept of "hospitality". However, I cannot agree with this, since the hospitality industry is very vast and complex in terms of the mechanics of service delivery, which involve attention to detail and the need to focus on every detail of the service delivery process. As the saying goes, "the devil is in the details," and it's every little thing Every nuance is competently and lovingly thought out, and leaves in the hearts of guests and/or visitors that unforgettable aftertaste from the lived and felt experience, which makes people return to the places they love so much again and again in order to repeat what they have experienced.

In fact, the hospitality industry includes the entire range of services provided to a guest in the course of their customer journey from the moment they book and/or order a trip or travel, both for personal and business purposes, to the moment it ends and returns home. The rapid development of this area of business, associated with the insatiable desire of people to learn new things, adventures, expand their horizons, as well as sometimes a simple need for movement, are reflected in the term itself, which, in addition to the very fact of providing a service or service, began to imply an accompanying emotional coloring, as well as an aftertaste remaining after the end of the trip or the fact of providing the service. sensory or emotional background from the impressions received and the experience lived. As John Steinbeck said, "It's not people who make travel, it's travel that creates people."

Here I would also like to quote a few words from different people about what hospitality means to each of them:

"Hospitality is about making guests feel at home, even though they are far away."

"When the customer comes first, they will always come back for a repeat service."

"Hospitality exists where something happens to you , you live some incredible experience. It's not there when something happens to you."

Now let's move on to the most interesting part and talk about what business areas the hospitality industry currently includes. In my opinion, there are only 12 of them. Let's take a brief look at each of them below.

1. Accommodation, Accommodation, Accommodation
This area includes all accommodation facilities, ranging from small family-run B&Bs (bed and breakfast) hotels to hotels and hostels, as well as properties offering shared rental services for apartments or houses. In essence, the main concept of this direction is to provide a guest with a bed, room or house for the purpose of overnight stay or stay for a certain period of time.

2. Food & Beverage
This sector includes the services of restaurants, bars, cafes and other businesses that provide people with the opportunity to spend their leisure time by socializing or socializing while consuming food and/or drinks.

3. Movements, Movements and Transportation
This direction covers all services and businesses that provide guests or customers with the opportunity to book tickets for the purpose of moving in any way, as well as all enterprises and companies that directly provide the services of movement, movement and transportation by any means of transport (road, railway, water, air).

4. Coworking Spaces
Coworking spaces are a business area that appeared in our country relatively recently, the purpose of which is to organize various types of workspaces in order to carry out independent or collaborative work. In coworking spaces, the people working there are usually not employees or representatives of the same company, but belong to different companies and/or projects. The standard set of services provided by coworking spaces is WiFi, printers, sometimes meeting rooms, tea, coffee, snacks. A coworking space allows employees of different companies to use the same space, while working independently on their own project and without interfering with each other.

5. Tourism Tourism
in the hospitality industry brings together all companies that provide travel services in different geographical locations or destinations. These are tourist offices, points of sale of tourist services, tour operators, and travel companies, i.e. all businesses that provide services, through the purchase and consumption of which guests will be able to visit something new or already familiar to them. To get to know it, to immerse yourself in its atmosphere, to feel it, to let it pass through yourself and your senses, to learn something new about the place, and, in the process of living a new experience, about yourself, to get the required and/or simply unforgettable experience, to expand your horizons.

6. Meetings & Events
The sector unites all companies and enterprises that provide services for organizing meetings and events of various orientations and scales, both for personal and business purposes. It can be a small meeting or a meeting on a given topic, a wedding or some other family celebration, a large-scale thematic industrial conference or a huge international congress.

7. Amusement Parks, Theme Parks, Attractions, Excursions
Attractions and excursions are beacons, iconic elements of acquaintance and/or cognition of a particular city, place, region, country. Amusement parks and theme parks are also part of this industrial hospitality sector. Amusement parks are counted here, in contrast to the "Entertainment" direction, since each park, Built on the territory of a specific geographical area, zone or territory, carries the historical and cultural features of the location. In this regard, each park itself has a slightly different, in contrast to the "Entertainment" sector, target and semantic load.

8. Entertainment
In this direction, we are talking about companies that organize activities such as festivals, concerts, club events, as well as cinemas. We are talking about enterprisesproviding entertainment and entertainment services.

9. Rest, Recovery, Wellness The recreation, recovery and wellness sector refers to the provision of services or activities that the client does not attend, as in the case of entertainment, but carries out directly or with the help of specially trained people.We are talking about SPA treatments, consumption of wellness
services, sports events and activities in specially designed places, such as sports clubs and gyms, as well as other activities, the purpose of which is the general improvement of the human body and regular maintenance of oneself in good physical and mental shape, as well as in a healthy state of mind.

10. Technology for the Hospitality Industry I single out technologies for the hospitality industry as a separate area, since the industry does not stand still, and as the speed of life in general increases, technological solutions and tools that support the areas of hospitality businesses cannot lag behind, but are forced to grow and develop very actively, responding to the requirements of the
industry. It's not just about operating rooms programs and systems that support the life of a particular enterprise in the field, but about technologies aimed at creating and providing guests with an unforgettable "seamless experience" by combining offline and online activities, services and services (for example, various kinds of applications).

11. Cruises
It makes sense to single out cruise travel companies in a separate category due to the fact that any cruise ship allows a client or guest to receive almost a full range of hospitality services at once and conditionally at the same time.

12. Casino
In many places and countries, gambling is either strictly regulated or prohibited. In this regard, people are forced to travel to specially designated places in order to gain and live gaming experience. In most cases, a casino is not an independent enterprise, but is an integral part of the hotel, where it is open.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that the hospitality industry is full of surprises and miracles, as no other industry is associated with obtaining an unforgettable, unique, very emotional, sensual and fulfilling experience. It is important not to forget that, like everything else in the world, the hospitality industry does not stand still, but is constantly growing and developing. If earlier, a few years ago, it included only the hotel business and the tourist segment, At the moment, it is a very wide and diverse sector of the economy in terms of the types of services provided.


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