Transport logistics. What is the essence and principles of transport logistics

Leonard Pokrovski
انضم: 2022-07-25 12:14:58
2024-01-02 18:33:47

Transport logistics. What is the essence and principles of transport logistics

In the field of cargo transportation, one of the most important areas is transport logistics - a system for organizing deliveries taking into account the characteristics of transport, its carrying capacity, capacity, fuel consumption, speed of movement and other parameters. The essence of transport logistics is to organize deliveries in such a way that goods arrive to recipients on time and in the right volume - without unnecessary bureaucracy and delays on the one hand, and without unnecessary monetary costs on the other.

What other types of logistics are there?

In addition to transport, there are a number of logistics areas that can work separately or in combination with each other. These include the following types of logistics:

  • Purchasing;
  • Production;
  • Inventory;
  • Service;
  • Junction;
  • Information;
  • Financial;
  • Customs;

There is also inventory logistics, which is dedicated to the concentration of goods in warehouses, with subsequent distribution among consumers - from the most to the least needy. Transport logistics occupies its niche among the above-mentioned industries, and is one of the fundamental ones. After all, it is impossible to imagine the transportation of products without freight transport in principle!

Principles of Transport Logistics

The main principle of logistics (and especially its transport industry) is cost optimization. So, delivery should be cheap, and bring maximum profit - while maintaining the competitive advantages of the cargo carrier company. Other fundamental principles are also relevant:

  • maximum use of the carrying capacity of rolling stock (transport should not work "idle" and move from one point to another half-empty);
  • reduction of the number of transshipment bases to a minimum (warehousing, loading and unloading are not cheap, and the most ideal delivery is direct transportation from the supplier to the consumer - without the participation of the warehouse);
  • achievement of multiplicity of transported batches - taking into account the capacity of transport and the size of packaging containers;
  • concentration of cargo transportation in certain directions - the most profitable and economical;
  • Achieving economies of scale and distance of transportation.

The logistics of transportation should be organized in such a way that the number of trips (walks) is minimal - with an optimal load of transport. Planning routes and choosing the right speed limit also help to optimize the process of single and multiple transportation.

Tasks solved by transport logistics

Taking into account globalization, cargo carriers cannot but use the possibilities of transport logistics. Sometimes it is only due to it that it is possible to get the expected profits, and not to incur financial losses. The main tasks of transport logistics are:

  • drawing up the main and alternate transport routes;
  • organization of transport systems with separate chains and "corridors";
  • joint planning of cargo transportation with suppliers and warehouse complexes;
  • Selection of vehicles that are optimally suited for certain consignments.

When drawing up a logistics program, everything is important: the condition of the roads along the route, the risks of traffic jams on certain sections of the route, the climatic conditions of the area, the maximum speed of movement, etc. Therefore, the organization of transport logistics is a whole science, and it should be entrusted only to specialized specialists!


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