Looking for a place all over the world where to open an IT company...

Leonard Pokrovski
Присоединились: 2022-07-25 12:14:58
2024-02-08 19:29:22

Looking for a place all over the world where to open an IT company...

An IT business is a business related to the creation, development, implementation, and support of software, networking, and storage systems. An IT business can include areas such as website and application development, IT consulting, outsourcing, cybersecurity, cloud services, and other technological solutions.

In the context of globalization and changing legislation, opening a company abroad may be necessary for many businesses in the field of information technology (IT). Access to the economy of other countries and foreign financial instruments allows IT businesses to work with clients and partners around the world, expand their market, reduce the tax burden and gain access to new opportunities and sources of financing.

Choosing a jurisdiction to set up an IT business is one of the key decisions. Different countries have different regulations that can have a significant impact on business development. When choosing a jurisdiction for registering an IT company, it is worth considering tax law, laws in the field of IP rights protection, and flexibility of business planning. It is important to choose a jurisdiction with a well-established legal system to ensure that the rights and interests of the company are protected. Information security plays an important role for IT companies. It is advisable to make sure that the chosen jurisdiction has appropriate legislation that ensures the protection of the rights of your information system.

The main criteria when choosing a jurisdiction for an IT company

Technologies continue to develop, new and innovative solutions appear in various fields. Some of the key trends that are expected in the IT industry include the penetration of artificial intelligence into all spheres of life, the rapid adoption of augmented and virtual reality technologies, the growth of Internet-related devices and the development of smart cities, the introduction of new data and personal information protection systems, and the growing popularity of cloud solutions.

The choice of a location where to create an IT company should be based on an analysis of key factors that can significantly affect the company's activities and its business model. A few criteria to consider:

  1. Regulatory environment. The convenience and simplicity of registration procedures, the ease of interaction with government departments, an effective law enforcement system, and minimal bureaucracy will reduce costs and simplify doing business. It is important to pay attention to licensing requirements, information security, and other regulatory issues.

  2. Low cost of jurisdiction for the purpose of registering an IT company. Low costs for registration and maintenance of the company, the absence of unnecessary bureaucratic restrictions allow you to save resources and focus on the development of the IT business.

  3. Availability of banking services. It is necessary to assess the availability of banking services, as well as the flexibility of banks in terms of opening and managing corporate accounts. It should also be noted that for many investors, the ability to open and maintain accounts without the need for the physical presence of the company's representatives in the selected country can significantly simplify business processes and business operations.

  4. Protection of intellectual property assets. The legal system should provide strong protection for IP rights, including copyrights, patents, trademarks and other intellectual property rights. In addition, the availability of effective dispute resolution mechanisms is an important factor when choosing a jurisdiction for opening an IT company. In fact, some regions provide special tax programs, such as the IP Box, which encourage investment in R&D and development, allowing you to increase the benefits of IP ownership.

  5. Availability of qualified specialists. In order for a business abroad to develop successfully, it is important to have access to qualified specialists. The chosen country must have an educational system that guarantees the availability of highly educated personnel in the IT field. In addition, it is important to take into account the competition in the labor market in the chosen region.

  6. Customer base. Investors should pay attention to market analysis and the availability of the customer base. Market analysis will help identify potential opportunities and risks in the chosen industry or sector. It will allow you to understand the market situation, competitors, trends and forecasts for the development of the industry. Assessment of the customer base will allow you to determine how much demand there is for a product or service, how wide the potential for growth of the customer base is, and what competitive advantages the company has compared to other players in the market.

  7. Tax legislation. The tax regime should offer flexible conditions for IT companies, investment incentives should be developed to attract investment in the IT environment.

Remember that each business is unique, so the choice of jurisdiction for registering an IT company should be based on the specific needs of the business. In order to fully assess the benefits and risks that your company will receive in a particular jurisdiction, you should enlist the support of competent experts who provide legal support for IT startups.

How to open an IT company abroad?

Starting a successful IT business is based on a detailed study of the legal aspects of the process. The stages of registering an IT company are as follows:

  1. Idea development. The idea of an IT project should be clearly formulated, which will help determine its potential and goals.

  2. Drawing up a business plan. This plan will help determine the development strategy, target audience, risks and assess the financial performance of the enterprise.

  3. Development of a unique offer. The offer should distinguish the company from its competitors. It can be specialization in certain technologies, high quality of service, or innovative solutions.

  4. Team building. A competent team is a valuable asset of any business. It is important to find and attract professionals who will develop innovative products and services, which will help the company maintain its competitiveness and succeed in the market.

  5. Submission of the project name for approval. The name should be unique and easy to remember. It should be related to the essence of the project, make it stand out in the market and arouse interest among potential users or investors. Before registration, the name must be checked for availability in special databases.

  6. Selection of a legal form and registration of a legal entity in accordance with the established legal requirements in a particular country.

  7. Compilation of an impressive set of documents for obtaining special certificates. Depending on the specifics of the IT company, various certificates or licenses may be required to confirm specialization and the right to provide services.

  8. Opening an account for an IT company. It is important to evaluate the offers of various banks, learn about commissions, conditions for opening an account for IT business, and the availability of online banking.

  9. Insurance provision. Consider protecting your IT firm with various types of insurance, such as professional liability insurance and property insurance.

  10. Marketing and advertising. Developing an effective marketing and advertising strategy that will help attract new customers.

In the course of an IT firm's activities, opportunities for cooperation or partnership with other companies in the IT industry can play a significant role. You can partner with another company to develop new products or services, or integrate existing technologies, or partner with a company that has access to a broad customer base or market that will help you increase your visibility and attract new customers. Cooperation allows for the exchange of knowledge and experience, which can be mutually beneficial for both parties, as well as joint efforts in the field of marketing and advertising.

Where to open an IT company: the reputation of the jurisdiction

As already mentioned, in order to expand opportunities and attract new customers, many companies are looking to go international. This allows you to gain access to new markets, diversify your customer base, and improve your image. In this regard, the question arises: how does the reputation of the country affect the decision of investors to create an IT company?

Here are a few reasons why this might be important:

  • Professional resources. A country's reputation for IT can attract talented developers and engineers. If a country is known for its highly educated professionals and reputable IT companies, this can be a signal for many investors to open their own IT business there.

  • Business environment. A country's reputation can reflect the overall business environment, including the legal system, the effectiveness of public administration, and corruption risks. The availability of tax incentives and other investment incentives can make the country in demand for registering an IT business.

  • Reliability and safety. A country's reputation for security and political stability can be an important factor when choosing where to set up an IT company. It is important for businesses that their investments and data are protected, and the country provides a stable and predictable environment for their development. This is also important when making a decision on the relocation of IT companies.

  • Trust of customers. The reputation of the jurisdiction has an impact on the trust of customers in relation to the products and services of an IT company. If a country is renowned for its innovation and security, customers may be more inclined to choose companies from that jurisdiction.

  • Market potential. Reputation can affect the attractiveness of a particular jurisdiction for IT companies seeking access to markets and customers. Progressive countries with a good reputation may offer a stable and developed market, whereas developing countries may have great potential for growth and access to new opportunities.

These factors can play a key role in deciding where to register an IT company. Investors should take into account the reputation of the jurisdiction in question, assessing its impact on the business environment, possible risks and preferences for business.

The Best Jurisdictions for Setting Up IT Companies

Each country has certain features and offers different conditions for registering an IT business. Below are a few key characteristics of popular countries for opening an IT company in the European region.

If to start an IT project

Georgia. The country's government has made significant efforts to create favorable conditions for the development of IT projects. Georgia has high Internet speed, affordable prices for renting office space, and low taxes for IT companies. In Georgia, there are special tax incentives for IT companies. For standard income tax, the rate is 15%. However, IT businesses have the opportunity to obtain the status of "International IT Company", in which the income tax is reduced to 5%, the tax on employee salaries is also 5%. At the same time, taxes on dividends and property are paid at 0% rates.

In addition, there are special development zones, such as the Tbilisi Technopark (Virtual IT Zone), where all sorts of benefits and conveniences are available for IT firms. When obtaining the status of Virtual IT Zone in Georgia, income tax and VAT are 0%, and the tax rate on the withdrawal of dividends is 5%.

In addition to TechPark, there are several other support programs for IT companies in Georgia:

  • Silicon Georgia: This is an association that unites IT companies in Georgia. It offers marketing support, access to funding, and technical expertise.

  • Georgian Innovations and Technology Agency (GITA): The Georgian Innovation and Technology Agency (GITA) provides financial support and subsidies to IT companies, organizes various events and training programs for the development of innovation in the country.

  • Georgia's Innovation Ecosystem: includes incubation centers, accelerators, venture capital funds, educational institutions, and government programs.

The government is actively working on the further development of digital infrastructure, which makes it possible to create stimulating conditions for the registration of IT companies in Georgia.

Armenia. Armenia has the potential for the development of IT business. The country entered the top countries in terms of relocation of IT specialists. It offers a well-developed IT infrastructure, access to talent, and competitive tax rates. By the way, benefits for start-up IT companies in Armenia have been extended until the end of December 2023. These benefits include exemption from certain tax liabilities (corporate tax and VAT), subsidies on employee salaries (10% personal income tax) and other tax benefits (e.g. 5% tax on dividends) that help new IT businesses thrive. The decision was made as part of the government's efforts to stimulate the growth and development of the information technology industry in the country.

If you are interested in registering an IT business in Armenia, then take into account that IT enterprises that were established no more than 3 months ago and the number of employees of which is no more than 30 people can apply for tax benefits. In addition, foreign IT investors are offered various incentive programs for IT companies, which are aimed at supporting innovation, developing a highly qualified workforce and attracting investment:

  • High Tech Industry Development Support Program (DigiTecStart): offers grants for research and development in the field of information technology and information security, grants for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the IT sector, training of specialists and internships online and offline.

  • Eurasian IT Hub: provides grants and financial subsidies for the creation of IT startups in Armenia, support for startups in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), blockchain, cybersecurity, IoT and other areas.

  • Angel Investor Network Armenia (AINA) program: assistance to IT startups and companies in finding investors, providing financial and consulting support.

  • Free Economic Zones: offer tax and customs preferences for IT firms, including exemption from income tax and import duties.

  • Support to SME Development in Armenia (SMEDA) program: providing advice on business development, finance, marketing and technical aspects for SMEs in the IT sector.

If we evaluate these two countries, then Armenia is the more preferable option, since opening an account for a company in Georgia can be a difficult process. Georgia works closely with the EU and the United States, and the country's banks strive to follow international anti-money laundering and tax optimization regulations. Each potential client undergoes a comprehensive check, which can take quite a long time.

Madeira is one of the most popular and relatively budget-friendly options for registering an IT company on the European continent.

Madeira (Portugal). Launching an IT startup in Madeira could be a winning decision, as the island is on the list of fast-growing European tech hubs. Madeira is characterized by a high level of digital infrastructure, opens access to international markets. In recent years, it has strengthened its position as a technology hub, attracting many international companies. This growth contributes to the development of the region and creates new opportunities for the registration of IT companies in Madeira.

The government offers a number of tax incentives and incentive programs for investors in the IT industry. IT companies registered in Madeira pay a tax rate of 5% on profits, as opposed to the standard rate in Portugal, which is 21%. They can also enjoy a reduced VAT rate and no tax on dividends. Thus, this country is considered one of the best solutions for small companies that are interested in relocating their IT business and IT specialists.

Moreover, the procedure for opening an account for an IT company is not too complicated. An account can be opened in one of the Portuguese banks. Banking compliance is less stringent and time-consuming than, for example, in Switzerland or Malta. Also in Madeira (as well as throughout Portugal) there is a special program called Startup Portugal. This is a national initiative aimed at developing the startup community and supporting entrepreneurial ideas. It offers various measures and tools to stimulate innovation and growth of startups, including IT startups in Madeira.

If we consider more expensive options for registering and relocating an IT business in Europe, it should be noted that many large companies opt for Switzerland.

Switzerland. The Swiss Confederation has long held the position of the most innovative country in the Global Innovation Index. It is known for its cutting-edge scientific research, progressive infrastructure, and sustainable economy. This is one of the reasons why large investors consider it to be one of the best jurisdictions for IT business. Zurich and Geneva are recognized as important technology clusters in the country.

Setting up an IT company in Switzerland opens up access to a huge European consumer market and technical know-how. In addition, Switzerland is known for its high security standards, making it a preferred choice for international organizations looking for reliable IT partners.

However, from a financial and tax point of view, Switzerland is an expensive option. In the country, high costs are associated with a high standard of living, high taxes, and expensive real estate and services. Although tax incentives for IT firms may be available in some cantons, in general, the tax burden on businesses is quite high. Therefore, starting a business here can be beneficial for large companies with a large budget.

If you have sufficient resources, hire a staff of professional lawyers who communicate with regulators, then you can register an IT company in Switzerland. If you are looking for a country with a progressive and reliable legal system, high standards in the field of information security, and a well-deserved reputation on a global scale, then you should consider the United Kingdom.

United Kingdom. Registering an IT company in the UK can be a good first step to bring your business to the global market. The United Kingdom is one of the leading European countries in the field of technology and innovation, offering a favorable business environment for the creation of IT companies. London is recognized as one of Europe's largest technology hubs. This jurisdiction is chosen by many American IT companies to scale their business.

Licenses issued in the UK are considered to be among the most recognizable and respected in the world. The United Kingdom has strict regulatory standards. Regulators in many countries recognise and respect these licences, making them valuable to UK companies operating internationally.

In terms of taxes, the standard corporate tax for all companies registered in the UK is 25%. The standard VAT rate is 20%. If the company provides services or goods outside of this country, then VAT is not charged. The tax on the withdrawal of capital is paid at a rate of 20%. The government offers various incentive programs for IT companies, some of which are:

  • Research and Development (R&D) Tax Credits: Available for companies conducting research and development in the field of technology. Companies that carry out qualified research projects can benefit from a reduced tax rate or tax refund.

  • Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS): A tax regime that provides investors with tax incentives when investing in start-ups and growing technology companies.

  • Innovate UK: An organisation that provides financial support and advice for innovative projects in the UK.

  • Digital Catapult: A national innovation hub dedicated to helping and supporting digital technologies and startups. They offer financing programs for IT companies.

Another alternative jurisdiction option for launching an IT project in Europe can be Ireland.

Ireland. Registering an IT company in Ireland will also allow you to bring your business to international markets. Ireland has an English legal system that is generally accepted and recognized by regulators around the world. The government is developing a strategy to actively attract investment in the IT industry.

One of the key tax instruments is corporate income tax. Currently, the standard rate of this tax is 12.5%. This attracts many tech companies as they can significantly reduce their tax burden.

There are a number of tax incentives for IT startups in Ireland that contribute to the creation of new jobs and the economic development of the country. The following are some of the programs and benefits provided by the government:

  • IDA Ireland: This is a government agency that provides a range of benefits for IT companies, including tax holidays, subsidies for R&D investments, and special support programs.

  • Knowledge Development Box Program: This program provides IT companies with the opportunity to receive income tax benefits from intellectual property and innovative products.

Companies can access these resources to promote their IT projects in Ireland and globally.

Malta. Malta is a choice among large investors who want to open an IT company in Europe. It is one of the leading countries in the field of innovation and IT technologies. The authorities aim to make Malta a technology hub in the region and offer various incentive programs for information technology startups. One such program is the Malta Digital Innovation Authority (MDIA), which aims to attract investment in digital innovation. MDIA offers investors a legal framework for the development and commercialization of new technologies.

Malta is also known for its Malta Individual Investor Program (MIIP), which allows investors and their families to obtain a residence permit in Malta in exchange for investment in the country's economy, including the IT sector. In addition, technology parks and specialized programs have been created here to attract talented entrepreneurs and IT specialists from different parts of the world.

However, taxes in Malta are among the highest. Corporate tax is 35% of the company's profits. Payroll tax can be up to 35%. However, there is a system of tax incentives for highly qualified foreign professionals, where the tax rate can be reduced to 15%. In addition, opening an account in Malta is a complicated process due to the detailed checks of each beneficiary. The government takes strict compliance measures not only for corporate clients, including their ultimate beneficiaries, but also for legal agents.

Thus, if we consider the European continent, then for those who are interested in relocating an IT company or launching an IT startup from scratch, Madeira or the UK may be the most attractive options.

Popular jurisdictions for IT business in the Asian region

Singapore and the UAE are win-win options for entering international markets with IT products and services.

Singapore has become one of the most popular jurisdictions in the Asian region for IT companies and startups. It is famous for its technological achievements and advanced approach to development, due to which it is considered one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world. Singapore is recognized as one of the leaders in development and innovation, especially in the fields of fintech and IT.

The English law system is one of the basic legal systems used in Singapore. It is adapted to local conditions and the needs of the country. Singapore is known for its strong legal system that guarantees the protection of property rights and contracts. This gives businesses confidence that their intellectual property rights will be protected and enforced.

The availability of educated personnel in the field of IT, access to the East Asian market make it a sought-after place for registering IT companies. In Singapore, there are special tax incentives and programs for IT organizations to attract the attention of investors and stimulate innovative activities. Some of the main aspects of taxation and incentive programs are:

  • The standard income tax rate for all companies operating in Singapore is 17%. However, tax incentives apply to certain categories of R&D companies.

  • There is no tax on dividends that are paid to Singaporean and foreign shareholders.

  • A tax rate of 10% has been set on profits derived from the use of IP, including patents, copyrights, trademarks and technical knowledge.

  • Reduced Tax Exemption Program for Startups: Singapore offers the Startup Tax Exemption Scheme, which allows resident startups to receive tax incentives for the first 3 years of operation. Under this program, a company can receive a tax exemption for the first S$100,000 per year.

  • Tech Rebates and Tax Credits: Companies that invest in R&D may qualify for tech rebates and tax credits. This helps to reduce tax costs.

Moreover, the government has developed Startup SG Founder with the aim of attracting investors. This program offers funding and mentorship for early-stage companies.

Importantly. Proper bookkeeping is extremely important for a successful business in any country, including Singapore. All financial transactions of the company must be recorded and reflected accordingly in the accounting department. This includes accounting for income, expenses, assets, liabilities, taxes, and other financial transactions.

The UAE is another key place for registering and relocating IT businesses. The United Arab Emirates is a transport and logistics hub between East and West. Due to its location, the Emirates provides easy access to the markets of Europe, Asia and Africa. The country is recognized as one of the most competitive markets for the information technology industry. The United Arab Emirates offers a variety of opportunities for the development of IT projects. The UAE maintains a favorable business environment and a high level of digitalization.

The authorities have made significant investments in the development of their infrastructure, which has made the country attractive for the registration of IT companies. The UAE has high-speed internet connections, modern office space, high-end technical institutions, and incubators to support startups.

Here are a few programs that play an important role in attracting IT startups:

  • Dubai Technology Entrepreneur Centre (DTEC): This is the main technology hub dedicated to supporting IT projects in Dubai. It offers infrastructure, mentorship, funding, and access to the global market.

  • Dubai Future Accelerators: This is a program created by the Government of Dubai that connects government organizations with international startups for the purpose of joint innovation projects. This scheme provides funding and access to office space.

  • Sharjah Entrepreneurship Center (Sheraa): This program is designed to support young entrepreneurs and startups by providing mentorship, a set of acceleration schemes, and financial support.

  • Dubai Silicon Oasis Authority (DSOA): This is a technology park in Dubai that encourages innovation and technology startups. It offers infrastructure, tax benefits, and access to financial support programs for IT businesses.

In the UAE, especially in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, there are special conditions for taxation of IT companies:

  • There is no income tax. IT companies registered in the free zone or technology park of Dubai are exempt from income tax for 50 years. This means that they can keep 100% of their profits.

  • There is no personal income tax in the UAE, which means that employees of IT companies do not have to pay taxes on their income.

  • No VAT: The UAE does not levy value-added tax on certain goods and services, including IT services.

Hong Kong has deservedly entered the list of the best countries for IT companies. The city is not only known as one of the leading international financial centers, but also has a modern infrastructure, access to broadband Internet, and a high level of digital literacy. It offers favorable government conditions for the development of the IT industry.

In this jurisdiction, it is possible to open an IT company from scratch in a relatively short time. Hong Kong offers prospects for high business scalability, as it is characterized by geographical proximity to the main markets of Asia. Extensive opportunities for entrepreneurs wishing to set up an IT company in Hong Kong are open up in the Science Park. The park provides state-of-the-art laboratories and offices at affordable prices, which will help reduce capital investment in product design and development. This will greatly simplify and speed up the process of creating and developing technological projects.

In terms of tax liabilities, Hong Kong's corporate tax on profits earned in that city ranges from 8.25% to 16.5%. If part of the profits comes from foreign sources, they are usually exempt from taxation. In addition, Hong Kong does not apply VAT, which makes it attractive for IT companies providing services and products overseas.

In general, Singapore, Hong Kong and the UAE offer special tax regimes and tax incentives for IT enterprises. However, it is worth noting that each of these countries has its own nuances and requirements that must be met in order to reap the benefits of such tax regimes.

Launching an IT Startup: What Other Countries Attract International Investors?

In addition to the jurisdictions described above, recognized as developed technological centers in their region, there are other countries that attract international investors in the IT sector.

The United States is famous for its high level of competitiveness in the IT industry. There are several reasons why many entrepreneurs find it logical to start an IT company in the US:

  • One of the largest markets in the world for IT services and products. It has a huge customer base and opportunities for partnerships, which can help grow your business.

  • The United States is known for its innovative capacity and advanced technological system. It is home to many leading technology companies, venture capital funds, and technology parks that can provide access to innovative ideas, talent, and funding.

  • The U.S. attracts IT specialists from all over the world.

  • The U.S. has business-friendly legislation and a business culture that fosters innovation.

These factors contribute significantly to U.S. competitiveness on a global scale. Attractive states for the creation of IT companies are California (Silicon Valley), New York, the states of Washington, and Delaware. However, the tax burden on businesses in the United States is quite high.

Companies are usually subject to income tax at the federal and state levels. Federal income tax is 21% + income tax is paid on IT companies, which may vary from state to state. IT companies in the United States must pay Social Security and Health Insurance tax for the benefit of their employees. The amount of these taxes may vary and depends on the amount of earnings and the state in which the company is located.

Canada also provides an innovative environment for IT companies. The Canadian technology sector plays an important role in the development of the national economy. It fosters innovation, job creation and investment. The rapid growth of the technology sector is having a positive impact on various sectors of the economy, contributing to improved efficiency and productivity.

Here are a few advantages for registering an IT business in Canada:

  • Infrastructure and access to technology. Canada offers the state-of-the-art infrastructure and high-speed internet connections needed for a successful IT company. The government invests in scientific research in the field of IT.

  • Technology development and research work. Canadian universities attract scientists and talents from all over the world, which contributes to the transfer of knowledge and the introduction of disruptive technologies.

  • Talented workforce. Canada is known for its high level of education and talented IT professionals. It offers immigration programs for highly skilled professionals, making it easier to attract promising employees.

  • Tax incentives. The government provides some tax incentives for IT companies in Canada, such as R&D tax credits, which can significantly reduce the tax burden.

  • International opportunities. Due to its strategic location, Canada can offer access to both North American and international markets.

The list of the best cities in Canada for IT business includes the province of Ontario (Toronto) and the province of British Columbia (Vancouver).

In terms of tax liabilities, corporate income tax in Canada has a progressive scale and is paid at rates ranging from 15% to 33%. In addition, the rate of provincial CIT can vary significantly from province to province. Thus, the tax burden on IT business in Canada is also quite high.

Another option for investors can be the registration of an IT business in Australia. The country's technology industry has grown significantly and has become one of the pillars of the economy. The authorities offer programs to improve and scale IT companies:

  • Research and development. Australia actively supports innovation and provides generous tax incentives for research projects. IT organizations can benefit from this and invest in the research and development of new technologies.

  • Infrastructure and cloud computing. Australia has a well-developed IT infrastructure and supports cloud computing. Investors will have access to broadband and cloud platforms that will help the company create and scale IT solutions.

  • Innovative financial schemes. Various financial schemes and grants are offered in the country to support IT innovations. For example, there is the National Innovative Digital Economic Development Fund (NIDEIF), which provides funding for the development of the digital economy.

  • Clusters of technology companies. There are various clusters of technology companies in many cities in Australia. They create a conducive environment for collaboration, exchange of knowledge and ideas.

  • User experience. Here, special attention is paid to providing a high-quality user experience. IT companies in Australia can use a variety of techniques and approaches to improve customer satisfaction using new technologies.

All companies in Australia are required to pay income tax at a rate of 30%. However, for small companies with a turnover of less than $50 million per year, a reduced tax rate may apply. Companies with an annual turnover of more than $75,000 are required to register in the GST system and pay 10% tax on goods and services. It should be noted that the government has implemented the Digital Economy Strategy with the goal of becoming one of the top ten global IT leaders by 2030. This means that the country is committed to the development of high-speed broadband, the digitalization of public services, increased investment in research in the IT sector, as well as supporting innovation.

Once again, we emphasize that each jurisdiction has its own characteristics and requirements. Contact specialized specialists to request support in registering an IT company in any of the countries described above.

What are the benefits of registering a company abroad?

Registering a company abroad can provide the following benefits:

  • the ability to operate in other countries, opening new markets and attracting new customers;

  • the ability to reduce the tax burden;

  • legal protection of your assets;

  • the ability to receive payments from customers from different countries, which will simplify the company's interaction with international clients;

  • more stable conditions for financial transactions;

  • greater flexibility in business management;

  • increase the attractiveness of the IT firm for foreign investors, which makes it possible to receive financing and support for business development;

  • access to more advanced infrastructure, such as transportation systems, technology centers, and communication networks

  • access to special incentive programs for startups, which can help your company in the initial stage of development;

  • the opportunity to obtain a residence permit abroad, which opens up additional prospects for investors and their families.


The IT industry is in a state of continuous development. New trends in IT provide opportunities to improve processes and increase efficiency. For the successful development of an IT business abroad, it is important to consider the possibilities of access to foreign financial instruments and markets in order to maximize the potential for growth and scaling.

Singapore is the most technologically advanced and innovative country where many international investors want to relocate their IT business. Along with the UAE, it is recognized as a country with extensive opportunities for scaling business to global markets. The UK and Madeira are recognized as alternative jurisdictions for registering IT companies.

Investors who want to develop in this innovative environment should know that before creating an IT company abroad, it is advisable to analyze the technological aspects and legal nuances. When launching startups, it is important to have the support of experienced professionals, as the rules and requirements can differ not only between countries, but also within different regions.


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