Data Communications
7 Easy Ways to Transfer Files from Android to PC
Sometimes we need to transfer something from a smartphone to a computer. These can be both text documents and audio and video materials. We've covered several options for transferring files from Android to PC.1. Transmission via Bluetooth
Most modern PCs and laptops have a built-in Bluetooth module. Even if it is not, you can purchase an external adapter at any specialized store. This helps to significantly save time when transferring files.First, let's turn on Bluetooth in Windows, and then...
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Крестный отец 2. The Godfather Part II. (1974)
Для дона Корлеоне и его сына не существует моральных преград на пути к достижению целей. Они...
Dyslexia: Prognosis
Dyslexic children require special instruction for word analysis and spelling from an early age....
KFSM - 5 News Live TV. Arkansas, USA.
KFSM-TV is the CBS-affiliated television station for the Arkansas River Valley and Northwest...
Room. (2015)
A little boy is held captive in a room with his mother since his birth, so he has never known the...
Плохие сказки. Bad Tales. (2020)
Деннис и Алессия по просьбе отца показывают свои дневники с отличными оценками многочисленным...