E-book (device)
    E-book (device) Electric book (reader, coll. "e-reader"; An e-book reader is a group of highly specialized compact tablet computer devices designed to display text in electronic form, such as e-books. The main difference between this group of computer devices and PDAs, smartphones, tablet PCs or subnotebooks is limited functionality, as well as significantly longer battery life. The latter is achieved...
    Par Leonard Pokrovski 2024-03-21 20:31:42 0 231
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Schizophrenia Differential Diagnosis
Differential diagnosisTo make a diagnosis of schizophrenia other possible causes of psychosis...
Par Kelsey Rodriguez 2023-02-03 17:25:53 0 224
Dyslexia: Associated conditions
Dyslexia often co-occurs with other learning disorders, but the reasons for this comorbidity have...
Par Kelsey Rodriguez 2023-06-16 19:07:03 0 256
М. (1931)
Маньяк-убийца наводит ужас на жителей Города. Маленькие девочки не успевают домой к обеду и не...
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Market equilibrium, disequilibrium, and changes in equilibrium
In a competitive market, demand for and supply of a good or service determine the...
Par Mark Lorenzo 2023-03-02 21:46:09 0 256
Нечестивые. The Unholy. (2021)
На дереве, где 150 лет назад была повешена и сожжена обвинённая в колдовстве, глухонемая...
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