215 Stop Words That Can Cause Your Email to Go to Spam
215 Stop Words That Can Cause Your Email to Go to Spam
It is important for email services (Gmail, Outlook) that their users do not receive spam. To this end, they have created spam filters — special algorithms that analyze emails and decide whether they are spam or not.
Spam filters scan millions of emails every day and know perfectly well which words and phrases are most often used by spammers. When the spam filter sees these words in the mailing...
How to Make Money as a Programmer: Ways to Make Money Writing Code
How to Make Money as a Programmer: Ways to Make Money Writing Code
Let's talk about the main sources of income for programmers: where and who can use the code
In addition to the usual work for hire, there are at least six ways a programmer can make money. Below we talk in detail about each approach, analyze their pros and cons.
Work in the most
First of all, the base. This is one of the most stable and common ways to earn money for IT professionals. You can become a...
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Niche Retail
Definition of Niche RetailNiche retail refers to a marketing strategy in which companies target a...
Global and local trends in the fintech sector
The first half of 2024 turned out to be challenging for the financial technology (fintech) market...
The concept of the business environment
All living things, including humans, live in the environment. Besides Natural environment,...
How changes in the cost of living are measured
Key points
The Consumer Price Index, or CPI is a measure of...
Никто не знает, что я здесь. Nobody Knows I'm Here. (2020)
Мемо Гарридо живет в уединении на чилийской овцеводческой ферме. В прошлом он известный певец,...