16 of the best games of our childhood that we lost
In the XXI century, children quietly disappeared from the courtyards of large cities - now they play computer games or spend time in specially organized children's clubs. Together with the children, the culture of yard games and yard socialization (with all its features) disappeared. And if babies can still be found on the sites under the supervision of relatives, then schoolchildren are not visible almost at all. "Newspaper. Ru" looks around the deserted spring yards and recalls the...
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В порту. On the Waterfront. (1954)
В центре сюжета судьба простого докера - Терри Мэллоу, терзающегося сомнениями и решающего встать...
Poison Dart Frogs
Poison dart frog (also known as dart-poison frog, poison frog or formerly known as poison arrow...