Social work
Social work with the elderly in the UNITED STATES
In the United States, the implementation of the principle of independence of the elderly is carried out through a system of non-stationary types of social assistance provided by public or private organizations, as well as through cash payments to the elderly for their independent acquisition of certain social services. There are a significant number of different funds in the country, providing, in particular, payment for medical care, the...
Child Protective Services
Government agencies in many U.S. states responsible for child protectionChild Protective Services (CPS) is the name of a government agency in many U.S. states responsible for ensuring child protection, including responding to reports of child abuse or neglect. Some states use other names often used to reflect more child-centered practices, such as the Department of Children's Affairs and (DCFS). CPS is also known as the Department of Social Services (DSS) or simply Social Services.
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Действие картины протекает в течение пяти дней — на острове Э́мити, где расположен...
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Python is an outstanding language for people learning to program, and perfect for anyone...