Urban Living
Such a funny city life: 15 shots by street photographers from around the world
Such a funny city life: 15 shots by street photographers from around the world
Hello Friends of Art!
A lot of interesting moments are happening on the street right now. But we don't notice them. On the way to work, we are immersed in our thoughts and do not pay attention to what is happening around us.
In fact, our attention is turned on at full capacity only when we find ourselves in an unfamiliar place: in a new country, in another city, or, at worst, on an unfamiliar street....
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The Wizard of Oz. (1939)
Young Dorothy Gale and her dog Toto are swept away by a tornado from their Kansas farm to the...
How to choose an apartment? Basic tips when buying a home
The question of how to choose an apartment can seem too complicated – especially if you...
How Will I Balance Work and Family Life?
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Baby Money. (2021)
When a home invasion turns into a bloody shoot-out, a pair of ragtag fugitives take refuge in the...
The Sixth Sense. (1999)
A frightened, withdrawn Philadelphia boy who communicates with spirits seeks the help of a...