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Жить. Ikiru. (1952)
Старик узнаёт, что жить ему осталось недолго и решает, что детская площадка на месте зловонного...
By Nikolai Pokryshkin 2023-01-19 11:36:02 0 209
Chakra UI
What is Chakra UI? Have you ever struggled with whether to focus more on the back-end or...
By Jesse Thomas 2023-06-12 22:06:37 0 171
It Happened One Night (1934)
A renegade reporter trailing a young runaway heiress for a big story joins her on a bus heading...
By Leonard Pokrovski 2023-06-28 19:38:38 0 532
Amazon has made the world's largest text-to-speech AI model with the "rudiments of intelligence"
Researchers at Amazon have trained the largest text-to-speech model in history, which they say...
By Dacey Rankins 2024-03-29 19:04:21 0 207
Семь самураев. Seven Samurai. (1954)
Япония, XVI век. В стране полыхает гражданская война, повсюду орудуют банды разбойников и...
By Nikolai Pokryshkin 2022-11-15 17:46:10 0 501

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