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B2B marketplaces yesterday, today and tomorrow: what are they and why do businesses need them?
15-17% of B2B sales in the world today pass through marketplaces - the segment of "business"...
Caribbean: all about the regions
Caribbean: all about the region and life on the islandsThe Caribbean is a region of peace between...
Плохие сказки. Bad Tales. (2020)
Деннис и Алессия по просьбе отца показывают свои дневники с отличными оценками многочисленным...
Marketing metrics: what metrics are important to track
Marketing metrics: what metrics are important to track
In this article, we will talk...
Семь самураев. Seven Samurai. (1954)
Япония, XVI век. В стране полыхает гражданская война, повсюду орудуют банды разбойников и...