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Апокалипсис. Дорога сквозь тьму. Broken Darkness. (2021)
После того как метеоритный дождь уничтожил практически все живое на Земле, Сэм вынужден выжить...
Top 5 popular games of 2023
2023 is looking to be a great year for games. Therefore, we have created a list of the most...
Soaring Through Time: The Art of Recreating Kites
Soaring Through Time: The Art of Recreating Kites
From the serene flight of a bird-shaped kite...
What is the difference between branding, performance and brand formation
Marketing is a multifaceted discipline that involves a variety of strategies and tactics. Among...
How to effectively resolve conflicts in a team? Guide from the HR Director
How to effectively resolve conflicts in a team? Guide from the HR Director
One colleague...