Classical Studies
Classical Studies: Exploring the Foundations of Western Civilization
Classical Studies is an interdisciplinary field of research that focuses on the languages, literature, history, and cultures of ancient Greece and Rome. As a branch of the humanities, it seeks to understand the civilizations that shaped much of Western culture, philosophy, art, politics, and science. The study of classical antiquity offers rich insights into the origins of many contemporary ideas and institutions, making it a vital area of scholarship and education.
What Does Classical...
Understanding Art as the Main Task of Modern Art Criticism
The main difference between humanitarian knowledge is the practical impossibility of constructing a final logical system. In the work "Truth and Method" H.-G. Gadamer [4] says that the object of the humanities itself has no clear boundaries. For example, the concept of "art" is arbitrary, and what is called art today could not have been considered it in the "classical" period. Having raised the problem of the "death of art", Hegel [5] proved that artistic activity and attitude to cultural...
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How to Effectively Measure Customer Satisfaction: A Guide to CSAT
Customer satisfaction is one of the key metrics of customer service, and it's an axiom. It allows...
The Shawshank Redemption. (1994)
Chronicles the experiences of a formerly successful banker as a prisoner in the gloomy jailhouse...
Come and See. (1985)
After finding an old rifle, a young boy joins the Soviet resistance movement against ruthless...
Паровоз Генерал. The General. (1926)
Юного Джонни Грэя в армию Конфедерации не взяли, а его возлюбленная Аннабел Ли отвергает его,...
The History of Movies: A Journey Through Time and Technology
The history of movies is a fascinating story of creativity, technological innovation, and...