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Python Fun Fact
There's a fact about Python that you might not know! Python has a module called "this". The...
Король Лев. The Lion King. (1994)
У величественного Короля-Льва Муфасы рождается наследник по имени Симба. Уже в детстве...
Blooming Beauties: The Joys of Shopping for Flowers
Blooming Beauties: The Joys of Shopping for Flowers
In the tapestry of nature's wonders, few...
Embracing the Freedom of the Open Road: The Allure of Motorcycles
In a world often dominated by four-wheeled vehicles, motorcycles stand out as symbols of freedom,...
Поющие под дождём. Singin' in the Rain. (1952)
Основа этого легендарного фильма – дюжина старых песен, написанных для различных...