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Before Sunset. (2004)
Nine years after Jesse and Celine first met, they encounter each other again on the French leg of...
By Leonard Pokrovski 2023-06-16 20:35:25 0 811
Game-Based Learning
The world of adults is incomprehensible to a small child. Adults do so much! There are police...
By Dacey Rankins 2024-04-04 17:26:15 0 57
What is a way of life and how can it impact you?
If a person thinks about how to start leading the right lifestyle, it means that he is not...
By FWhoop Xelqua 2022-10-27 12:00:10 0 767
Autism Spectrum: Possible Causes
It had mostly long been presumed that there is a common cause at the genetic, cognitive, and...
By Kelsey Rodriguez 2023-02-20 15:15:52 0 135
Thirteen. (2003)
A thirteen-year-old girl's relationship with her mother is put to the test as she discovers...
By Leonard Pokrovski 2023-04-28 19:32:50 0 291

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