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How Can Late-Stage Startups Maintain Innovation?
As startups mature, they often face challenges in sustaining the innovation that fueled their...
Rural Living: The Benefits and Challenges of Life in the Countryside
Rural living has long been romanticized in literature and media, often depicted as a serene...
Stand by Me. (1986)
After the death of one of his friends, a writer recounts a childhood journey with his friends to...
Куда ты идешь, Аида? Quo vadis, Aida? (2020)
Аида — переводчица при нидерландском контингенте войск ООН. В Сребренице живут её муж и...
Непрощённый. Unforgiven. (1992)
История Уильяма Мунни — бывшего хладнокровного убийцы, нашедшего в себе силы покончить с...