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Named the most visited attractions in the world
The authoritative publication Travel + Leisure has published a list of the main tourist...
Par FWhoop Xelqua 2023-01-03 14:47:15 0 822
Мост через реку Квай. The Bridge on the River Kwai. (1957)
Захваченные в плен японцами британские солдаты и их командир полковник Николсон вынуждены строить...
Par Nikolai Pokryshkin 2023-03-08 13:16:07 0 232
Armed with only one word, Tenet, and fighting for the survival of the entire world, a Protagonist...
Par Leonard Pokrovski 2022-10-16 13:51:00 0 595
Misbehaviour. (2020)
A group of women hatch a plan to disrupt the 1970 Miss World beauty competition in London. My...
Par Leonard Pokrovski 2022-10-27 22:16:16 0 1217
Scizophrenia Negative and Cognitive Symptoms
Negative symptomsNegative symptoms are deficits of normal emotional responses, or of other...
Par Kelsey Rodriguez 2023-01-26 16:34:24 0 323

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