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New Year's games
A home New Year's holiday is a long-standing good tradition. Older family members want to give...
Positive externalities of innovation
Key points
If inventors received a greater share of the broader social benefits...
Шестое чувство. The Sixth Sense. (1999)
Детский психиатр Малкольм Кроу сталкивается со странным случаем: девятилетнего Коула посещают...
Круиз по джунглям. Jungle Cruise. (2021)
Хитростью и немалой сноровкой раздобыв бесценную карту верховьев Амазонки, бойкая археолог Лили...
How Do I Write a Business Plan? A Step-by-Step Guide
Writing a business plan is a crucial step for any entrepreneur looking to start or grow their...