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8 most mysterious places in Asia
Wat Rong Khun Temple, Thailand
This is one of the strangest temples in Thailand. It was designed...
Терминатор. The Terminator. (1984)
История противостояния солдата Кайла Риза и киборга-терминатора, прибывших в 1984-й год из...
Python While Loops
While loops can be ran as long as the condition is True. Otherwise, it'll be skipped. A variable...
How Do they celebrate the new years in Africa?
Connection between the calendar and natural phenomena, new Year's rituals of Africans and the...
Авантюристки. Burraco fatale. (2020)
Евгения — домохозяйка, во всем покорная мужу. Рина — клептоманка и патологическая...