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Звёздные войны: Эпизод 5 — Империя наносит ответный удар. Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back. (1980)
Борьба за Галактику обостряется в пятом эпизоде космической саги. Войска Императора начинают...
Are There Legal and Regulatory Considerations in Crowdfunding?
Crowdfunding has become an increasingly popular method for raising capital, whether for a new...
How to Create a Product That Will Be Popular with Users
The problem is that often the opinion of product developers does not coincide with...
Printing Designer
A printing designer develops and implements in design layouts concepts for the design of printed...
Амадей. Amadeus. (1984)
1781 год. Антонио Сальери успешно справляется с обязанностями придворного композитора при...