New Chemicals
New materials in the chemical industry
Modern chemists create new materials every day and improve the characteristics of existing ones. The development of this science is extremely important for all areas of human existence. Chemical products are actively used in medicine, cosmetology, food, clothing production, etc.
Examples of new technologies
Technologies of new materials are necessary for the development, synthesis and extraction of initial data in the industrial production of critical...
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Bernard Madoff
Bernard Lawrence Madoff (born Bernard Lawrence Madoff; April 29, 1938 – April 14, 2021) was...
Пожары. Incendies. (2010)
Когда брат и сестра Марван ознакомились с завещанием матери, их удивлению не было предела. Её...
ADHD: Exercise
Regular physical exercise, particularly aerobic exercise, is an effective add-on treatment for...
The Timeless Haven: Celebrating Libraries in the Digital Age
In an era where information seems to flow endlessly through digital channels, the significance of...
Гран Торино. Gran Torino. (2008)
Вышедший на пенсию автомеханик Уолт Ковальски проводит дни, починяя что-то по дому, попивая пиво...