Cooperation in America
    In North America, cooperatives were preceded by failed attempts to implement the utopian plans of Fourier and Owen. Some influence on the emergence of cooperatives was exerted by the ideas of cooperation brought here by immigrants from Europe. In the United States, there were successful communities based on community of property and self-government, based on the charter, originating from religious sekas (shakers, rapists, etc.). Sometimes cooperative societies were born out of so-called...
    Par FWhoop Xelqua 2023-07-24 17:12:20 0 417
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Psychosis: Cannabis
According to current studies, cannabis use is associated with increased risk of psychotic...
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12 лет рабства. 12 Years a Slave. (2013)
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Explicit and implicit costs and accounting and economic profit
Key points Privately owned firms are motivated to earn profits. Profit is the...
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Американская история Икс. American History X (1998)
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