Usenet is a computer network used for communication and publishing files . Usenet consists of news groups in which users can post messages. Usenet had a great influence on the development of modern web culture, giving rise to such well-known concepts as “nickname”, “smile”, “signature”, “moderator”, “trolling”, “flood”, “flame”, “ban”, "FAQ" and...
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Beyond GDP: other ways to measure the economy
Key points
Gross national product, or GNP, includes what is produced...
ADHD: Executive function and motivation
The symptoms of ADHD arise from a deficiency in certain executive functions (e.g., attentional...
How to earn money through illustration
What will you need to make money on drawings on the Internet?
Before you learn how to make money...
Hammerhead Sharks
The hammerhead sharks are a group of sharks that form the family Sphyrnidae, so named for the...
Even the best sellers in the world can not go out - they need a support group that will remove...