Puzzle (from the English puzzle - "puzzle, puzzle") is a puzzle game in which you want to make a figure from many of its fragments, in the classic version - a flat pattern (English jigsaw puzzle - "jigsaw puzzle"), but there are puzzles with different three-dimensional shapes. At its core, the puzzle is a kind of mosaic canvas, that is, a whole drawing consisting of fragments, but is not a mosaic in its full sense.
According to psychologists, the collection of puzzles contributes to the...
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Beyond GDP: other ways to measure the economy
Key points
Gross national product, or GNP, includes what is produced...
The Pros and Cons of Investing: Weighing Your Options
Investing is a powerful tool for building wealth and achieving financial goals. However, it comes...
Мстители: Финал. Avengers: Endgame. (2019)
Оставшиеся в живых члены команды Мстителей и их союзники должны разработать новый план, который...
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Getting a "f-string expression part cannot include a backslash" Synatx error? You can create a...
ADHD: Social construct theory
The social construct theory of ADHD suggests that, because the boundaries between normal and...