Lekárstvennyj remedy, lekárstvo, lármárçý, fármpreparát (New-Latin: Medicament, Medicine, Medicine, Medicine, Medicine, praeparatum medicinale, praeparatum pharmaceuticum, medicamentum; jarg. remedy) is a substance or a mixture of substances of synthetic or natural origin in the form of a dosage form (tablets,...
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Something Ventured. (2011)
The story of how a few individuals built an industry that would go on to finance nearly all of...
A regular expression object, or any object that has a Symbol.match method....
Indexing and its limitations
Key points
A payment is said to be indexed if it is automatically...
Большой побег. The Great Escape. (1963)
Американские, британские и канадские военнопленные осуществляют массовый побег из немецкого...
Into the Wild. (2007)
After graduating from Emory University, top student and athlete Christopher McCandless abandons...