Lekárstvennyj remedy, lekárstvo, lármárçý, fármpreparát (New-Latin: Medicament, Medicine, Medicine, Medicine, Medicine, praeparatum medicinale, praeparatum pharmaceuticum, medicamentum; jarg. remedy) is a substance or a mixture of substances of synthetic or natural origin in the form of a dosage form (tablets,...
إقرأ المزيد
The most unusual sweets of the world
Almost all people tend to treat themselves to sweets. Residents of African countries, Japanese...
Мясо и кровь. Wildland. (2020)
Ида, после гибели своей матери в автокатастрофе, переезжает жить к своей тёте и двоюродным...
Hustlers. (2019)
Inspired by the viral New York Magazine article, Hustlers follows a crew of savvy former strip...
Going Clear: Scientology & the Prison of Belief (2015)
A documentary looking at the inner-workings of the Church of Scientology.
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Top 5 popular games of 2023
2023 is looking to be a great year for games. Therefore, we have created a list of the most...