Australian Media
The media in Australia is an important component of the economy. Australian media is widely available and serves a wide range of audiences – 99% of Australian households have a television, all families have at least one radio.
Public media Two media companies in Australia are publicly funded: the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) and Special Broadcast Service (SBS). Both provide free broadcasting on terrestrial television, radio and the Internet. Both are owned by the...
Press in the USA
HistoryXIX centuryA new phenomenon of public life was called the pricing policy of American periodicals in the middle of the XIX century: newspapers began to cost only 1-2 cents (like the newspapers of the Central Committee of the CPSU worth 2 kopecks in the second half of the XX century). These accessible publications have become not only a source of information, but also the main tool for manipulating public consciousness, turning the industry into a fourth power.
Before the launch of the...
Статьи пользователей
Услуги, направленные на привлечение финансового изобилия или улучшение финансового благополучия от Архипокровителя Николая.
1. Денежные заклинания.- Заклинания изобилия: Ритуалы, направленные на проявление богатства и...
User Agreement for Games (EULA), why and how it is drawn up
Most likely, each of us at least once in his life when first launching an application or game...
Dyslexia: Neuroimaging
Neuroimaging techniques, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and positron...
Dyslexia: Language
The orthographic complexity of a language directly affects how difficult it is to learn to read...
Головокружение. Vertigo. (1958)
Скотти Фергюсон - отставной сыщик, которого не назовешь баловнем судьбы: одинокий, оставшийся за...