Aviation: Soaring Through History
Aviation, the art and science of flight, has captivated humanity for centuries. From the mythical dreams of flight in ancient times to the modern marvels of commercial air travel, the journey of aviation reflects human ingenuity, technological advancements, and the relentless pursuit of exploration. This article explores the evolution of aviation, its key milestones, and its impact on society.
Early Dreams of Flight
Ancient Inspirations
The dream of flight has existed for...
The fastest aircraft in the world and its competitors - How fast do they fly?
Modern aircraft are able to fly very fast. By "fast" I don't mean speeds 10 times faster than a car, but really FAST. Even without afterburner mode, modern fighters easily overcome the speed of sound. Passenger aviation has long been flying at supersonic speeds. It was possible, but expensive, so (among other things) flying and stopped about 20 years ago. All this is good, but if you dig into the history and archival documents, you can find several aircraft that flew not just on supersonic,...
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Key points
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