What gives people outdoor recreation
    What gives people recreation in nature. Free space, the absence of crowds, houses and cars - excellent conditions for privacy or relaxation in a pleasant company. After a long winter, when the first truly warm sun of the year peeks out from behind the clouds, each of us is drawn to bask in its rays. This becomes especially relevant for residents of cities, because high-rises of the stone jungle let so little sunlight pass to people who yearn for warmth. What does...
    Par FWhoop Xelqua 2022-11-12 13:10:13 0 840
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Art of Western Europe in the 1800's
The eighteenth century in Western Europe is the last stage of the long transition from feudalism...
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Золотая лихорадка. The Gold Rush. (1925)
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JavaScript Random Function
The Math.random() static method returns a floating-point, pseudo-random number that's...
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8 money tips for freelance workers
If you’ve traded in your cubicle to become a freelancer, you’re not alone. Fifteen...
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